
Wyoming Middle School Drama Blog

"The Play's the Thing!" -William Shakespeare


September 2017


This year, we are renting several costumes from the Costume Castle in Loveland. If your child is on the following list, he or she will need to get fitted at the Costume Castle (467 Wards Corner Rd) this Saturday between 10:00 and 2:00. If you cannot make it this Saturday, you will be responsible for getting your child to the Costume Castle sometime in the next week for a fitting. Please take a photo of your child in their costume and text it to (513) 478-2512 so I can be sure it is correct. If your child is not on the list, we will be making their costume in-house at the middle school.
Emily Gelhausen, Sofia Wernicke, Hannah Bostick, Nathaniel Miller, Gabe Litwin, Izzy Stockton, Annika Wassen, Emma Feldmeier, Lauren Gettins, Grace Kerin, Jeffrey Evans, Emma Teras, Kira Brown, Kayla Geller.
Vanessa Wernicke
Costume Chair

Tech Crew

Congratulations, Tech Crew for Shrek Jr.!

We had an overwhelming number of students submit applications to be involved with Tech Crew. Thank you so much for your interest in Tech Crew, but please understand that we simply could not take everyone that applied – as much as we wish we could. Much thought and effort went into finding the best fit for the needs of this production.

Of those who are accepted to be on Tech Crew, there are many students that did not get their “first choice”. Please know that Tech Crew is a team – each individual and each and every role is important to the production and is to be taken seriously. We hope you will join our “team”, but if you decide you are not interested in your assigned role, please email to decline the position, and it will be assigned to someone else. Thank you to everyone, and CONGRATULATIONS!


TECH CREW STUDENTS are NOT needed for any rehearsals until September 27, and some roles will begin even after that date. Tech Crew should NOT be at rehearsals until they are told to attend. There may be special training sessions for certain roles IF they are called sooner. Tech Crew participants are asked to send a check to Vanessa Wernicke, 1134 Brayton Ave., Wyoming, OH 45215 or drop it off in the middle school office. Checks should be $25 made out to WMS Drama (this will cover their t-shirt, snacks, cast party). For all information, please be sure to sign up for the Wyoming Drama blog at  More information will be shared very soon!

Stage Managers:  Sarina Duncan and Henry Chemero

Assistant Stage Managers:  Chloe Knapp and Sam Elliott

Stage Crew:  John McGrath, Zoe Goode, Chloe Scruggs, Zach Spera

Sound Operator:  Cullen Batsel

Sound Operator in Training:  Charlie Steed

Mics:  Spencer Bowden

Mics in Training:  Andrew Burns

Lights:  Avi Rosenberg, Peter Tuttle, Bradley Mannheimer

Props Manager:  Quinlin Martin

Props Assistants:  Kamaryn Madry and Kayley DeWitt

Props in Training: Will Spera

Curtain Manager:  Henry Wernicke

Runners:  Lucas Miller and Isabella Cox

Dressers:  Ada Ehrhart and Grace Miller

Make-Up / Hair:  Sasha Maxwell, Camarus Jones, Olive Hester, Mirabelle Domka


Cynthia Towne – Head Usher

Gabriel Scruggs               Rachel Gelhausen

Alyn Jones                        Michael Grimmett

John Bernheisel            Ava Geiger

Maya Deneka

Fees due for cast only

The monies due Thursday are for CAST ONLY. The Tech Crew will be posted later this week and their fees will be due at a later date. Thank you.

Fee due Thursday

The deadline for turning in your $25 check to “WMS Drama” is this Thursday, Sept. 14th. If you have not already done so, please send in a check with your child or mail it to Vanessa Wernicke, 1134 Brayton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45215. If your family cannot pay because of financial difficulties, please email us at before Sept. 14th to let us know. If we do not receive your check or an email, your child may be recast.

Thank you!

Change to Rehearsal Calendar

This week, ALL CAST CALLED for rehearsal from 3:30-5:45 Monday through Thursday. We will be working on solos and especially choreography.

There is a change to the rehearsal calendar. An updated version of the calendar will be sent this week, but for now, please note that we will NOT be rehearsing on Thursday, 9/21, due to the holiday and school closure. Therefore, we will be adjusting the rehearsal schedule as follows:

9/18 Block French Scenes 1-5

9/19: Scenes 6-10

9/20: Scenes 11-15

9/25: Scenes 16-20

9/26: Scenes 21-25

Thank you!





We had another great day of musical rehearsal! We covered a lot of material today and were able to split into 2 groups for part of the rehearsal to maximize our time.

Today, your students received a calendar and Rehearsal #s/French Scenes from the director. Unfortunately, there is an error on the calendar with regards to the ending time. Rehearsals will run from 3:30-5:45 daily until Tech Week. (This is a change for weeks 3, 4 & 5 from the schedule on the audition form.) We have very limited time to prepare for the show. We also take a 10 min. break during rehearsal, so the extra 15 min. of rehearsal time makes a big difference. For Tech Week, Rehearsal Ending Time is TBD. In the past, it has typically run until 7-7:30 p.m. (with a break for dinner). We will have a better idea when we get to that point in the show. Please note these changes on the printed calendar your child received.

From 9/7 to 9/14, ALL CAST members are called.  On the 18th, we will begin work on French Scenes (for example, 9/18, we will work on Scenes 1-4, which corresponds to pages 1-20 in the script. There is a breakdown of the characters who are called, but the actors should review the script to make sure there isn’t an accidental omission of a character. The “Guards” listed on the form are the Knights in our cast. The Ensemble will be various Fairytale creatures and Duloc performers. The choreographer and director will be determining who will be in which group next week.

If you have any questions about how the French Scenes work and if your child is called, please let us know. I’ve received many emails with updates on conflicts. If you have a conflict you haven’t addressed this yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you!

Rehearsal Reminders

We had a great first day rehearsing music! All actors have now received copies of the script. We encourage them to begin reading it and memorizing their lines. They will be receiving the music recordings so they can practice at home soon.

The updated Rehearsal Schedule with a breakdown of when each character is called was not available today and will be posted as soon as we have it. In the meantime, please remember the rehearsal schedule that was on the audition form (see below). Until otherwise indicated, all actors are called. It was requested that you indicate any conflicts to this schedule. We had 5 students leave early today that were not reported as prior conflicts. 1 was excused due to unforeseen circumstances that the parent spoke to us about, the remaining 4 are considered unexcused. This cannot become a pattern. If your child has conflicts to the schedule and you did not indicate them on the audition form, please send them in immediately to Thank you.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Week of   9/4 No School 3:30-5:45 3:30-5:45 3:30-5:45 Tentative 3:30-5:45  
Week of 9/11 3:30-5:45 3:30-5:45 3:30-5:45 3:30-5:45    
Week of   9/18 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 No School No School  
Week of 9/25 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30    
Week of 10/2* 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 3:30-5:30 *Some called to set lights
Week of 10/9 Tech Week


Tech Week


Tech Week



Call @ 3:00


Call TBD


Call TBD


Shrek Jr. Parent Meeting Recap

Spring Pillow, Producer

Deondra Means, Director

Spenser Smith, Musical Director

Maddie Burgoon, Choreographer



Director Deondra Means will be providing a rehearsal schedule on 9/5 with a breakdown of which cast members are called on specific dates. We will share that information Tuesday evening via blog post. He will be calling only actors who will be in the scenes they are working on that day. Therefore, when they are in rehearsal, all actors are expected to pay full attention. No cell phone usage is allowed during rehearsal unless approved by the director.

Students should come to rehearsal prepared. Please remind your child to use the time between school dismissal @ 3:10 and rehearsal start @ 3:30 to have a snack, use the restroom, and anything else they need to do to be ready to begin rehearsal promptly. Please be sure to send them to school with a snack and a water bottle that closes. **NO FOOD OR DRINK IS ALLOWED IN FAY AUDITORIUM. ONLY WATER IN BOTTLES WITH SECURE CLOSURE.

Students who are not called for rehearsal and parents who are not signed up to volunteer on a particular day CANNOT be in rehearsal space. We will always have at least one parent volunteer acting as a rehearsal aide at each rehearsal. If you need to drop off an item, please see them to create the least disruption possible. If you need to speak to someone working on the production, please wait until the end of rehearsal or send an email to the drama email account and it will be forwarded to the appropriate party.

With the exception of TECH WEEK, rehearsals will end at the time indicated on the rehearsal schedule. If your child is released to WALK HOME from rehearsal and you did not indicate it where asked on the audition form, please inform us via drama email. If they are not walking, please arrive promptly for pick up as students cannot be left unattended.


Many actors left the CONFLICTS Section BLANK. We will be taking attendance daily. If you forgot to put your conflicts on your audition form, please correct this immediately by sending conflicts to the Drama Dept email ( If your child has numerous conflicts that were not previously reported or misses a lot of rehearsals that are not excused, they may be recast.

-If your child is ill or injured, please notify us via the Drama Dept email that they will be absent from rehearsal.

ALL CAST MUST BE AT ALL REHEARSALS DURING TECH WEEK AND AT ALL PERFORMANCES. We are aware there is a Strings Concert on 10/9 (during Tech Week). Orchestra students will be excused to leave early or we may have an earlier ending time that day and add an extra day to tech week the week prior. We will notify you ASAP re: schedule change.


Please submit participation fee/donation of $25 to Vanessa Wernicke by 9/14. Checks should be written to WMS Drama Dept. You can mail the check to her if it is more convenient for you. Her address is 1134 Brayton Ave, Wyoming, OH 45215. If you are unable to pay this fee due to financial hardship, please email the drama dept BEFORE 9/14. If payment is not received and we haven’t heard from you before this date, your child may be recast. The fee covers Tech Week snacks, t-shirts for all cast and crew members, and a Cast Party after Saturday’s performance. Any remaining funds go toward the cost of the production.

If you are interested in ordering a DVD, please submit a check of $25 made out to Kevin McLaughlin by 9/14.

If you make an approved purchase for the show (i.e. set building, props, costumes, tech week snacks, etc.), you must turn in original receipt to Vanessa Wernicke with a reimbursement form. The reimbursement form will be posted to the blog. We cannot reimburse for any taxes paid. If you would like the tax exemption code, contact Vanessa @


The Drama Blog will be the primary means of communication. Please be sure to sign up for the Drama Blog @ Once you sign up to follow the blog, you will automatically receive new posts via email.

If you need to reach anyone in the Drama Department, please send an email to


It takes many hands to run these shows and we appreciate your time and talent. We ask that all parents strive to meet the minimum volunteer requirement indicated on the audition form. If you are unable to meet this requirement due to extenuating circumstances, please contact us. Volunteer opportunities were indicated on the blog.

If you signed up to volunteer for a specific committee at the Parent Meeting, the committee chair will be in touch with you to schedule work on sets, props, costumes, etc.

A Sign Up Genius will be coming soon for parents to sign up for shifts in the following areas: rehearsal and performance aides, ticket sales, water sales, party chaperones, and others. If you will be volunteering in a position where you have direct contact with students, you will need to complete a Volunteer Packet. If you did not pick up a Volunteer Packet, you can ask for one from Sandy Strom in the Middle School office.  If you have completed a Volunteer Packet, you can turn it in to Sandy Strom.


Tech Crew applications will be coming next week. Tech Crew will be called to rehearsal approximately 2 weeks before the show.

Thank you!


Amy Elliott: Tech Crew Coordinator

Amy Litwin: Parent Volunteer Coordinator and Rehearsals

Maria Seyerle: Communication and Rehearsals

Vanessa Wernicke: Finances and Rehearsals


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