Financial Update

Thank you to all the cast who got their fees in on time! Now it is the crew’s turn. if your child is doing crew, please send a $25 check made out to “WMS Drama” in with your child or mail it to Vanessa Wernicke at 1134 Brayton Ave. by October 5th. This will cover the t-shirt, snacks during tech week, and the party after the final show. If your family cannot pay because of financial difficulties, please email us at to let us know before the deadline.

Many of the cast have already sent in money for the DVD of the performance. If anyone else would like to get a copy, please write a $25 check to “Kevin McLaughlin” and send it in with your child or mail it to Vanessa Wernicke at 1134 Brayton Ave. before October 11th. We will be handing the checks to Kevin at the first performance, so late checks will not be accepted.
If you have committee expenses (props, paint, fabric, food, etc.), please save the original receipts. Please print and fill out the reimbursement form Shrek, Jr. Reimbursement Form PDF, then mail it to me at 1134 Brayton Ave. (or give it to me in person) with receipts attached. The deadline to submit expenses for reimbursement is the Friday after the final show, October 20th.
Thank you!
Vanessa Wernicke
Treasurer for Shrek, Jr.
-Rehearsals end @ 5:45 p.m. until Tech Week. If your actor needs to leave early, please be sure to let us know via email: IF YOU HAVE A 7th OR 8th GRADER IN BAND, please send an email to let us know. If they could at least attend the first hour of rehearsal on Thursday, that would be ideal.
-Please send in labeled laundry baskets and costume pieces (if applicable) as soon as possible.
-Rehearsals are going great! Keep up the good work! Remind your actors to memorize their lines so they can be “off script” as soon as possible.
Looking forward to our Tech Crew Meeting on Wednesday!